Monday, November 3, 2008

The last political post on this blog

Finally, finally, we're about to reach Election Day. I cannot wait for it to come and go. 24 hours from now we'll learn if we're moving forward in the right direction, or if I'm moving to Ireland!

I told my friends before any of the real heat began: don't talk to me about politics. I don't want to discuss it with people I love. And here's why: if I know your politics, there is a chance that my opinion of you will be affected. I'd rather that not happen with friends and family.

But this year is different. Nobody wanted to keep their opinions to themselves. Palin was a game changer. So now it's ALL fair game.

In the past few months, I have:
- Researched both sides until I've made myself sick
- Had daily arguments
- Had daily affirmations
- Made phone calls for Barack Obama
- Been flabbergasted at the ignorance I've encountered
- Been shocked at how many smart people fall for manufactured lies, rumors and fearmongering
- Been encouraged by other volunteers with sky high optimism
- Grown sick of "liberals" being used as a pejorative
- Pondered the benefits of conservatism
- Lost many hours of sleep!

And tomorrow I will intercept voters on their way to the polls to encourage them to vote NO on Proposition 8. Those who are voting yes will get my most heartfelt wishes that their ignorant, hateful, and/or closed minds will one day open.

I may or may not ever be a mother. I hope so. If I do, I will be able to look my kid in the eye and say I fought for what was right. And if my kid turns out to be gay, I will be able to say, not for one moment did I think of you as unequal. And I tried my heart out to defeat those who do. Sadly, the polls show we are losing this fight. Please, if you are in California, do the right thing and vote NO on Prop 8.

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