Monday, April 23, 2007

My PhD Dissertation on Desserts

Tonight I was awarded an honorary PhD, that is a "Permanent Heartburn Disorder" from Scottsdale University. As you may be able to infer, there was some serious eating, followed immediately by eater's remorse, and I am sure that indegestion is waiting in the near future. It was all worth it though, as I discovered something that I never knew.

Dessert is great, but always is fighting an uphill battle to satisfy us.

Not only is it great, but it has the hardest job of any course. Already satisfied from lunch, we scarfed a salad that took three times as long to make, twice as long to serve and for that? It was greatly appreciated, as it temporarily curbed my hunger until the main course, which was a pizza, the low man on the gourmet totem pole. Unlike most pizzas, this particular pie came recommended from 99.999% of Scottsdalians, except the one guy who has lived for years, heard everyone loves it, but has not tried it yet. Shame befall him and his entire family. It truly was spectacular, as they made their own cheese, and it was both fresh and delicious.

Before the thought of dessert crossed my mind, I called it quits after eating 1/2 of the pizza, only to force feed myself another half-slice. Then I ate the first round of dessert, a spectacular passionfruit-raspberry tart. It was then that I realized my taste buds kept saying eat more, but the rest of my body was fighting back and telling me to stop. Shortly following the realization of this newfound feeling, I started in on round two of desserts, and it was so wonderful. It was then that I realized how hard dessert has it. You are already full, you feel guilty for eating such bad food, and you are tired (that familiar food coma feeling). Yet dessert still tastes so good. So is the indegestion and heart burn worth it, I do not know if it always is, but if you are dining at La Grande Orange, it will be.


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